DFI - Rangi 1 2019
He aha ngā hua ako i hōhonu ake ai taku māramatanga ki te kaupapa me te whakaakoranga o Manaiakalani?
What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?Huinga DFI tuatahi ki te Kura o Ōtaki 2019 |
Kua tō anō i te whakaaro mō ngā tini hua o te 'mahi ngātahi.' He māmā noa te mārama i ēnei kupu engari mō te mahi ā ringa, he wero. Ko te painga o te DFI ko te nohotahi, te mapu hā me te ako ngātahi ki te whakatinana i tēnei kianga te 'ako ngātahi.' Arā tēnei mea te collaboration. Me whakatauira ēnei āhuatanga ki a tātou anō, ki mua hoki i ō tātou ākonga ka tika. Anō hoki te wairua o te ingoa, Manaia i ka lani - te wairua o Māui nōna te kaha ki te tūhura, ki te takahi i ngā ara kāore anō kia kitea!
I am reminded once again of the many aspects of collaboration. It is easy to think of this as a term, but to apply this in action - is a challenge. The great thing about our DFI is that we have the opportunity to make the time, take a breath and learn collaboratively. It is so important for us to apply this in our professional practice as colleagues and for our students to see this also. The spirit of the name Manaia-i-ka-lani, the spirit of Māui who explored and traversed paths never before seen!
He aha ētehi akoranga hei whakapakari i tōku kaha, ōku pūkenga, taku huarahi mahi hei pouako e ngaio ana ki te whakaako?
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
Whakaharatau, rāwekehia ngā hua o te ako! Kia kaha, kia poto.
Practice, play around with what you have learned. Little and often!
Te hua o te rāweke - www.remov.bg hei whakakore i te papamuri o tētehi whakaahua hei hopu i te āhua o te tangata (anahe) |
Hei tauira, heoi ka waiho mā te auahatanga o te taiohi e rāweke me te remove.bg |
He aha ngā akoranga ka whāia hei rauemi mō aku tauira?
What did I learn that could be used with my learners?
Kia rite tātou ki a Maria Kondo! Kondongia tō Pātaka Kukara. Whakaritea he 'scavenger hunt' te hanga rānei i tētehi patapātai hei aromatawai i te taumata ako/pūkenga o tau akonga.
Maria Kondo your Google Drive! It is no different to a clean tidy desk and exercise book. Use scavenger hunts and Google Doc quizzes to assess what students know or need to know about something. So much more to unpack in the weeks to follow.
Ako ngātahi - māmā noa te aheinga 'tākupu' ki te whakatakoto pātai me te whakautu. Te whakauru i te ingoa e tuku atu ai te pātai ki tētehi, māna tonu e whakautu |
He aha ētehi o aku akoranga hei whakapakari i tōku kaha, ōku pūkenga ki taku oranga whaiaro?
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
Kia kaha te whai wāhi ki te whakangungu i a koe anō. Whai kaha ki te tūtaki i ngā pouako nō kura kē kia whānui ake ngā mātukutuku.
Grab PD opportunities and be brave about stepping out to meet teachers from other learning spaces. This expands not only your skill base but your networks too.
Tēnā rawa e re tuahine. Me mihi ka tika ki ngā whakaaro kua tuku, ki ngā kōrero kua pātuhi. Ko te ara ako he ara mutunga kore, ko tātau tēnā e haere ngātahi ana mō te ao matihiko.
ReplyDeleteAnana! Tēnā raw atu koe, Roimata. Thank you for sharing your reflections of week one of your DFI journey ki Otaki. I think you have just coined a new whakatauaki "Whakaharatau, rāwekehia ngā hua o te ako! Kia kaha, kia poto." Love it! #ponomarika! I look forward to following your journey over the next nine weeks - your story encourages us all to embrace our Māuitanga, please keep it up as it is much appreciated #belikeMāui. Ngā mihi nunui ki a koe.
ReplyDeleteTēnā rawa atu koe,
Awesome to see the first DFI in Otaki off to such a powerful start… and all your smiling faces too, lots of energy! Learning collaboratively provides so many opportunities to grow and thrive as individuals as well as a community.
Kia manahau,