DFI - Rangi 3
Te Ara Paaho - Media
I au e whakaaro ana i te ara e aromatawai ai ngā ākonga NCEA, ka whakaarohia te āhua o te whakaakoranga, te pae o te ako - arā ko ērā o ngā wāhi e tika ana mō te āhua o te mahi. Mō te Hiitori me te Reo Ingarihi, kua whakaatu i ngā tini taupānga e riro ai te akonga i ngā rauemi hei āwhina i a ia. Ko ngā taupānga ka noho hei pae matihiko, mā reira ka kitea ngā mahi. He pae matihiko mō te ākonga me tona pouako otirā ngā whānau, ngā mātua e hiahia ana ki te tirotiro i ngā mahi.
Nō mua i ngā wānanga DFI nei, ko Google Classroom tētehi pae matihiko matua. Ko Hāpara me ngā Workspaces hei whakairi i ngā kōrero me ngā honongaitua ki ngā puna kōrero. Google sites, Blogger, koia nei hoki ētehi pae matihiko mō te toha i ngā akoranga me ngā hua o te ako. Kei runga noa atu te tīni o ngā kōwhiringa hei āwhina i a tātou! Koia nei ngā mata hei tirohanga a ngā mahi katoa a te taiohi.
Google Classroom - ko taku tino pae matihiko hei toha i ngā kohinga rauemi me ngā akoranga. Kua ora anō mātou i tēnei whakaritenga i ngā rangi kairiiwhi. Ngā wā hoki e noho ai te akonga ki te kāinga. |
Thinking about the Manaiakalani model - learn, create and share and how this looks when teaching History and English with my NCEA students, I've experimented with and introduced a number of different tools to students and colleagues. Google Classroom, Hāpara's Workspace are some examples. Google sites and Blogger also work well here. There are so many options to choose from. These tools also provide a portal for accessing learning and for sharing student work as well. Sooner or later I have to choose one and stick with it consistently so that students become familiar and proficient with it as I hope to. This DFI asks us to consider what we CREATE for sharing and learning. How do you create digital media for learning resources?
He mea nui e kounga ana te hanga i ngā tūmomo paahotanga. Ko Youtube te tino pae hei whakaatu i te mahi nā ngā ākonga, nā te pouako rānei. I tēnei DFI, i rukuhia ngā rawa matihiko e pai ana mō te taha WAIHANGA - arā ko te CREATE me te TOHA - SHARE rānei. Mā reira e AKO ai te akonga me te pouako.
Kātahi te pae matihiko hei hopu, tiaki me te toha i ngā mahi nā ngā ākonga. Te reo ā waha, te kauwhau pēnei i te Manu Kōrero, te taukumekume rānei. Ko ngā aheinga kupu tāpiri arā ko ngā annotation tools mō te taha māka i ngā mahi. Kei reira katoa.
Kamera HD, ngā matatopa, ngā Go Pro's tae noa atu ki te iPapa me te waea pukoro. Koia nei ngā tino rawa hei hopu i te mahi. Kei reira hoki ko ngā taupānga a Seesaw me te Hopumata a Screencastify.
Ko te waka ama tētehi kaupapa o te wharekura. Ko ngā
kiriata ka noho hei arotake, hei aromatawai i te tika o te mahi.
Nā reira karawhiua e hoa mā! Whakaritea tau pūkete Youtube i raro i tō tuakiri Kukara ki te kura. Whakaritea he teihana mā ngā mahi kura. Kia tika hoki ngā tautuhinga kia matatapu, kia tūwhera rāneri ki te ao. Kei a koutou ko ō whānau te tikanga.
Youtube makes for a great resource for creating and sharing media to enhance learning. Oral, aural, visual all of these learning styles are provided for through this powerful media channel. Equipment such as HD cameras, drones, mobile phones and iPads can all be used to create quality media for rewindable learning or assessement. Again also are the apps such as Seesaw and Screencastify that can also be used for creating media for Youtube. I'm looking forward to playing with the many Youtube functions and the updates to edit functions and account management.
Previously, I've created a channel for my senior Reo students where all oral presentations are recorded. I've used annotation tools to mark points during the presentation that meet assessment criteria. Other points might include feedback to the student or feedforward for myself and colleagues.
I would love to further maximise my use of Youtube by using live feeds at kura. These could include kapa haka, waka ama, mahi a ngā tūpuna and hākinakina. The possibilities are truly exciting.
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