DFI - Rangi 8
Te Mana me te Wairua o te Kupu - The Power of Language
I tēnei rangi tuawaru o te kaupapa DFI, kua hua mai te pakirēhua mō te mana me te wairua o te kupu. He hokinga mahara ki a Nathan Wallis i a ia e akiaki ana i a tātou ngā pouako ki te arahi i ngā ākonga. Ko tētehi o ana tino kōrero ka hangai ki te āhua o te tohutohu me tana akiaki kia tika te wairua o te kupu. Kia tīni i te wairua whakakahore ki te wairua whakaae. Kia tīmata te tohutohu i te kupu KIA, kia tīni i te kupu KAUA. Kei te hangai pū ki te kaupapa netsmart - te tū atamai ki te ipurangi i runga anō i te whakaaro mō te wairua akiaki. He wairua e whakamana ai te akonga ki te whai i te huarahi e tika ana, e haumaru ana.Today inspired me to remember the power of my words when I'm learning with my students. This reminded me of Nathan Wallis's seminars where we looked at how we can influence student behaviour through our language. Do we grow students who are cybersafe or cybersmart? Do we ask them NOT to share their personal information or do we invite them to think carefully about what they choose to share? Using affirmative language seems so much more empowering to me and the neuroscience supports this approach.
The term cybersmart to me focuses on pro-action rather than re-action. Cybersafety, though reading and sounding similar to the former focuses on the idea that the cyberworld is a dangerous place. I would rather encourage the understanding that while it can be, we are ready and adequately equipped for our journey into cyberlearning spaces. He mana tō te kupu.
Ngā Rawa Matihiko o te Akomanga
How lucky are we that digital devices are not how they used to be. |
Waimarie katoa tātou kāore te rawa matihiko i te pēnei tonu! Ko te āhua o te rawa matihiko, tōna painga ki tā te hiahia o te akonga, tētehi o ngā tino kaupapa i tēnei rangi. Ko te iPapa mō ngā ringa rāweke me ngā tamaiti e ako tonu ana pea ki te pānui. Ko te miharo o ngā taupānga a te iPapa hei tautoko i te pouako me āna ākonga. Ko Explain Everything tētehi o aua tino taupānga. Me he papamā, ka hopu i te whakamāramatanga ā tā, ā waha. Anō hoki, ka noho mai hei kohinga rauemi mō ake tonu atu!
Using devices appropriate to the needs of each student featured in today's intensive. iPads for inquisitive, tactile junior students. The wonders of iPad applications such as Explain Everything, allowing teachers to create a whole suite of rewindable lessons.
Kia ora Roi,
ReplyDeleteAs always, thank you for your insights. I fully agree with your thoughts re: Cyber smart as opposed to Cyber Safety. What we focus on is what flourishes, if we focus on the positive that is what we will see. Hence the power in a Cyber smart curriculum rather than a Cyber safe one. I feel this is a really important message for our whanau and all of our kura to understand.
Nga mihi nui